7 Things That Happen When You're Public Speaking

Public speaking is an art form that comes easily to some and terrifies others. The fear of public speaking is one of the most common phobias in the world, and it affects people of all walks of life. However, those who are able to conquer their fears and take on the challenge of public speaking are often rewarded with a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. In this blog post, we’ll be exploring the seven things that happen when you’re public speaking. From adrenaline rushes to moments of clarity, public speaking can be a rollercoaster of emotions and experiences.


Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, understanding what happens during a public speaking engagement can help you prepare and perform at your best. We’ll be covering everything from the physical sensations you may experience to the mental challenges that come with speaking in front of an audience. By the end of this post, you’ll have a better understanding of what to expect when stepping up to the podium.


1 – Increased adrenaline: When you’re public speaking, your body releases adrenaline, which can lead to an increase in heart rate, heightened alertness, and a surge of energy. This adrenaline rush is your body’s natural response to the excitement and stress of being in front of an audience.

2 – Nervousness and butterflies: It’s common to experience nervousness and butterflies in your stomach before and during public speaking. Even experienced speakers can feel a level of anxiety. However, with practice and preparation, you can learn to manage and channel these nerves into positive energy.

3 – Improved communication skills: Public speaking provides an opportunity to enhance your communication skills. Through practice, you’ll learn to articulate your thoughts clearly, use persuasive language, and adapt your message to different audiences. Over time, your ability to express ideas effectively will improve.

4 – Heightened audience engagement: Effective public speaking captivates and engages the audience. When you connect with your listeners through compelling stories, relatable examples, or interactive elements, you create a dynamic and interactive experience that holds their attention and fosters engagement.

5 – Enhanced confidence: As you gain experience and improve your public speaking skills, your confidence will grow. The more you practice and receive positive feedback, the more self-assured you’ll become on stage. Increased confidence translates to better poise, delivery, and overall performance.

6 – Influence and impact: Public speaking provides a platform to influence and inspire others. When you deliver a powerful speech, you have the ability to motivate, educate, and shape perspectives. Your words can leave a lasting impact on individuals and even communities, making public speaking a powerful tool for change.

7 – Personal and professional growth: Public speaking pushes you outside your comfort zone and encourages personal and professional growth. It builds resilience, cultivates effective communication skills, and enhances your ability to connect with diverse audiences. Over time, these skills can have a positive impact on various aspects of your life, from career advancement to personal relationships.

In conclusion, public speaking can be a nerve-wracking experience but it doesn’t have to be a negative one. With practice and preparation, you can turn your speaking engagements into an opportunity to connect with your audience and share your message effectively. Remember to breathe, stay focused, and engage with your audience. And if something does go wrong, don’t worry too much – it’s all part of the learning process. Use these seven tips to improve your public speaking skills and watch as your confidence and ability to connect with others grows.

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